Luigi Zingales: Gods and Mammon

Buddhism and Christianity seem most conducive to capitalism, and Islam least, says Luigi Zingales Since Max Weber’s seminal book The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism, political scientists and economists have debated whether some religions are more conducive to capitalism than others. This debate, however, has been mostly theoretical. Such evidence as there was…

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Kristin Forbes: A perfect storm?

A number of events on the horizon could combine to form the “perfect storm” for emerging markets, says Kristin Forbes, unless governments and the international financial institutions act now In October 1991 a “perfect storm” swept across the Atlantic, wreaking havoc and killing several Massachusetts fishermen (in a story later popularized by Hollywood). A perfect…

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Gerald Epstein: Bug off

Bioterrorism should be taken as seriously as biological attacks from rogue states or a natural epidemic, says Gerald Epstein It is difficult to prove how serious the threat from bioterrorism is. True, several nations’ bioweapons programmes demonstrated, long ago, that bacteria and viruses can kill over large areas and place many thousands of lives at…

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