Andrew Cohen: Prime minister of Malaysia Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Malaysian prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has presided over a transformation of his country. As Asia’s longest-serving head of government, in power for more than two decades, the prime minister has introduced and implemented a policy framework designed to propel his country into a developed society. He encourages foreign investment, especially in the high-tech arena,…

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Sudip Roy

Sudip Roy: What do anti-global protesters want exactly?

Everyone knows what the anti-globalization movement is against – neo-liberal economics, western government policies, the Washington multilateral institutions and unfettered corporate power. Less clear is what the movement stands for. By Sudip Roy – Nearly 40,000 people descended on the Renaissance Italian city of Florence in mid-November. It had nothing to do with Bellini, Botticelli…

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