Orit Gadiesh, Marcia Blenko and Robin Buchanan: Making sense of executive pay

What is the right way of aligning executive pay and shareholder value? First, say Orit Gadiesh, Marcia Blenko and Robin Buchanan, be clear about what really drives a company’s value. Second, link pay to successful strategy execution, as well as to outperforming peers in the stock market Sidney Taurel, CEO of the US pharmaceutical company…

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Rajat Gupta and Paul Coombes: Accentuating the positives

Corporate social responsibility should not be simply a reactive affair, say Rajat Gupta and Paul Coombes. Companies should become more proactive, engaging NGOs and other organizations in full debate and promoting the positive aspects of their agendas. In this way, they can turn corporate social responsibility to everyone’s advantage – After a year filled with…

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Robert Kinloch Massie: The irresistible rise of sustainable governance

Sustainable development and improved corporate governance will be the hallmarks of successful business in the 21st century. Those who ignore this trend risk a backlash from financial markets as much as from society itself. Robert Kinloch Massie reports on how the combined forces of two powerful investor movements are redefining investment risk and boardroom strategy…

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Heinrich von Pierer: Taking responsibility for corporate actions

The global challenges of our times – whether political, economic or social – can be mastered only through intelligent, targeted and responsible international cooperation, says Heinrich von Pierer – The global economic and political situation is so deeply unsettled that it is virtually impossible to make reasonable forecasts for many markets. We face a daunting…

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Philip Condit: All change as the network age begins

The information revolution will require huge and difficult changes in companies’ organizational, hierarchical and decision-making structures if they are to survive, says Philip Condit We are in a period of unprecedented change. The information revolution will produce social impacts and disruptive transformations, just as the industrial revolution did when it changed civilization from a rural,…

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